5 Easy Lines On Bhagat Singh In Sanskrit: This special occasion is dedicated to national heroes like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Raj guru who sacrificed their lives for the nation. Celebrate this significant day with Martyr Day quotes 2022 and Shaheed Diwas wishes. Share the latest collection 5 Easy Lines On Bhagat Singh In Sanskrit to share warm greetings with your family and loved ones.
भगतसिङ्गस्य नाम आबालवृद्धं सर्वैः अपि ज्ञायते एव। तस्य नाम्नः स्मरणमात्रेण तदीयं प्रेरणाप्रदं जीवनं नेत्रयोः पुरतः विलसति। ‘ मुहूर्त ज्वलितं श्रेयः न च धूमायितं चिरम् ‘ इत्येतस्य प्रत्यक्षम् उदाहरणम् आसीत् सः। ‘ क्रान्तिकारिणः तु सर्वदा प्राणत्यागम् एव स्पृहयन्ति। ये मरणात् भीताः न , ते आयुषः चिन्तां किमर्थं कुर्युः ? ‘ इति आसीत् तदीयं चिन्तनम्। तस्य चरमा इच्छा कीदृशी आसीत् इति किं भवन्तः जानन्ति ? किं बान्धवान् मित्राणि वा द्रष्टुम् ऐच्छत् सः ? न। सः ऐच्छत् – अस्पृश्य कुलीयेन सेवकेन निर्मितां रोटिकां खादितुम् !
“If the deaf have to hear, the sound has to be very loud” -Bhagat Singh
“Merciless criticism and independent thinking are two traits of revolutionary thinking. Lovers, lunatics and poets are made of the same stuff” -Bhagat Singh
“One should not interpret the word ‘revolution’ in its literal sense. Various meanings and significance are attributed to this word, according to the interests of those who use or misuse it. For the established agencies of exploitation it conjures up a feeling of blood-stained horror. To the revolutionaries, it is a sacred phrase” -Bhagat Singh
“Bombs and pistols don’t make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas” -Bhagat Singh
Must Read: Bhagat Singh Never Tied Yellow Turban
“श्रम ही समाज का वास्तविक निर्वाहक है”
“लोग चीजों के स्थापित क्रम के आदी हो जाते हैं और परिवर्तन के विचार से कांपते हैं। यह सुस्ती की भावना है जिसे क्रांतिकारी भावना द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित करने की आवश्यकता है”
“वे मुझे मार सकते हैं, लेकिन वे मेरे विचारों को नहीं मार सकते। वे मेरे शरीर को कुचल सकते हैं, लेकिन वे मेरी आत्मा को कुचलने में सक्षम नहीं होंगे”
“क्रांति मानव जाति का एक अविभाज्य अधिकार है। स्वतंत्रता सभी का एक अविनाशी जन्म अधिकार है”
“मैं ऐसा पागल हूँ कि जेल में भी आज़ाद हूँ”
“मैं महत्वाकांक्षा और आशा और जीवन के आकर्षण से भरा हूं। लेकिन जरूरत के समय मैं सब कुछ त्याग सकता हूं’
“बधिरों को सुनना है तो आवाज बहुत तेज होनी चाहिए”
“निर्दयी आलोचना और स्वतंत्र सोच क्रांतिकारी सोच के दो लक्षण हैं। प्रेमी, पागल और कवि एक ही सामान से बने हैं”
“किसी को भी ‘क्रांति’ शब्द की उसके शाब्दिक अर्थ में व्याख्या नहीं करनी चाहिए। इसका उपयोग या दुरुपयोग करने वालों के हितों के अनुसार इस शब्द के विभिन्न अर्थ और महत्व को जिम्मेदार ठहराया जाता है। शोषण की स्थापित एजेंसियों के लिए यह खून की भावना को जोड़ता है सना हुआ आतंक। क्रांतिकारियों के लिए, यह एक पवित्र वाक्यांश है”
“बम और पिस्तौल से क्रांति नहीं होती। क्रांति की तलवार विचारों के पत्थर पर तेज होती है”
Also Read: Biography of Shaheed Bhagat Singh
“Labour is the real sustainer of society”
“People get accustomed to the established order of things and tremble at the idea of change. It is this lethargic spirit that needs be replaced by the revolutionary spirit”
“They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit”
“Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birth right of all”
“I am such a lunatic that I am free even in jail”
“I am full of ambition and hope and charm of life. But I can renounce everything at the time of need’
“But man’s duty is to try and endeavour, success depends upon chance and environments.”
“I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me.”
“Philosophy is the outcome of human weakness or limitation of knowledge.”
“They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit.”
“Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birthright of all.”
“If the deaf is to hear, the sound has to be very loud.”
“Lovers, Lunatics, and poets are made of same stuff.”
“A rebellion is not a revolution. It may ultimately lead to that end.”
“Any man who stands for progress has to criticise, disbelieve and challenge every item of the old faith.”
“Rebellion against king is always a sin according to every religion.”
Also Read: Punjabi Poems on Shaheed Bhagat Singh
Also Read: Happy Martyrs Day 2022 Messages
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