Buy Nothing Day Messages 2021 : Buy Nothing Day is observed annually on the day after Thanksgiving. This day is part of a movement against consumerism, urging the world to change their purchasing habits to consume and produce less.

Celebrate this day with Buy Nothing Day messages, greetings, wishes and images. We have come up with the collection of newest Buy Nothing Day messages and wishes. Share these greetings with everyone on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.

Buy Nothing Day Messages, Greetings and Buy Nothing Day Quotes (Buy Nothing Day Messages 2021)

  • The special occasion of Buy Nothing Day is all about waking up against consumerism and living a much-sorted life. Warm greetings on Buy Nothing Day.
  • Wishing a very Happy Buy Nothing Day to everyone. Indulging in shopping is our weakness and this day reminds us to get over this weakness.
  • Picking things because we like them is what is hurting us in so many different ways. Wishing a warm and Happy Buy Nothing Day to all.
  • Shopping has its own fun but we don’t realize when it starts to turn into a disorder which is beyond treatment. Happy Buy Nothing Day.
  • Wishing a very Happy Buy Nothing Day to you. Let us enjoy what we have instead of always looking for things to buy.
  • Man is special as he has the ability to adjust with what he has and also look for things he doesn’t need at all. Warm wishes on Buy Nothing Day to you.
  • The occasion of Buy Nothing Day reminds us all that we all end up shopping so many things just because they are out there and not because we need them. Warm wishes on this day to you.
  • Let us celebrate the occasion of Buy Nothing Day by becoming more aware of what we shop and giving up shopping just for no reason. Happy Buy Nothing Day.
  • There is nothing in buying a thing when you really need it and there is nothing good in buying a thing without any need. Wishing you a very Happy Buy Nothing Day.
  • This day is focusing on a change in purchasing habits to consume and produce less. We should be a part of the celebration and bring a change together.
  • Consumerism focuses on increasing consumption of goods and services purchased in the markets. Thus we should celebrate Buy Nothing Day to stop the over consumption of goods.
  • Buy Nothing Day promotes a healthy environment,  and a good quality of labour, also saves our money for something valuable.
  • Let us not buy anything for today and let’s make this day memorable.
  • Consumerism also leads to decreased happiness, satisfaction and increase in anxiety, racism and anti-social behaviour. So let’s join this Buy Nothing Day program.
  • It’s before Christmas so Adbusters said that buying products  will never make anyone happy. And it’s true, if we buy a product we will be happy for some hour or a day and two but then you will look for something new to purchase. That’s where consumerism is taking place.
  • Is it so necessary to buy items that are not in use, instead one should invest in something good or something which will aid in future.
  • It’s about your own hard earned money so don’t waste it.
  • This day is to improwise the way of shopping and remind everyone to spend less money on shopping.
  • It is an international holiday to remind everyone that we should spend less and earn more. Happy Buy Nothing Day to my dear friends.
  • Only a wise man will invest in something productive and spend less on something like clothes. This day is dedicated to them.
  • The day is dedicated to those who spend endlessly on non-worthy stuff and then cry for money. Spend wisely.
  • Let us celebrate this day by buying nothing and accelerating the economy of the country to a level. This day is important for the country.

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