February Important Special Days List 2022 फरवरी 2022 के प्रमुख दिन और त्योहार
February Important special days list 2022: Here are important and special days of February 2022. As you know that every year we celebrate Indian Coast Guard Day on 1st February. On 2nd February we celebrate World Wetlands Day.
Important Days in February 2022

BrahMos to Join Philippines Navy
1st February Indian Coast Guard Day
Every year on 1st February we celebrate the Indian Coast Guard day. Its the foundation day of Indian Coast Guard. In 2022 Indian Coast Guard celebratating its 45th Raising Day.
2nd February World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day is celebrated internationally on 2nd February. It was first celebrated in 1997. World Wetlands Day 2020 theme is ‘Wetlands and biodiversity’. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February, 1971, in Ramsar, Iran.
2nd February RA Awareness Day
Every year on 2nd February is observed as RA Awareness Day. It is also called as Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day. This day spread awareness for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
February 2022 Holiday Calendar
4th February World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day is observed globally on 4th February. This day is celebrated by WHO to aware people of the disease Cancer and how to cure it. World Cancer Day 2022-2024 theme is Close the Care Gap. This World Cancer Day, we recognise the power of knowledge.
4th February National Day of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s National Day is celebrated on 4th February as Independence Day. Sri Lanka got freedom from British rule on 4 February, 1948.
4th February Surajkund Crafts Mela
Surajkund Crafts Mela is celebrated from 4 February to 20 February, 2022. Surajkund is located in Faridabad district of Haryana. It is one of the most famous fairs, organized every year in Surajkund, Haryana, Near Delhi, by Haryana Tourism Department to promote handicrafts items.
February Holidays in 2022
5th February Basant Panchami and Saraswati Puja
On 5th February 2022 we are celebrating Basant Panchami. It is also celebrated as Saraswati Puja. Saraswati Puja is a vast festivals of Bangal.
5th February to 13th February Kala Ghoda Festival
Kala Ghoda Arts Festival will start on 5 February 2022. The festival presents plenty of events that reflect the rich history of art in Mumbai.
6th February International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation is observed on 6 February. This day is celebrated to spread awareness and educate people about the consequences and problems that females faced due to genital mutilation.
6th February to 12 February International Development Week
International Development Week (IDW) informs about different roles and career paths in the international development sector. IDW is celebrated from 6 February to 12 February and this year marks the 30th anniversary of International Development Week in Canada.
8th February Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet day is observed on the second day of the second week of February. This year, it will fall on 8 February. The day calls all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, mainly for children and young people.
10th February National De-Worming Day
National De-Worming day is observed on 10 February every year. It is an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to make every child worm-free in the country.
February 2022 International Days
11th February World Day of the Sick
Every year World day of the sick is observed on 11th February. The day was introduced by Pope John Paul II as a way for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illness.
11th February International Day of Women and Girls in Science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed on 11th February every year. It is obresverd to recognise the role of women and girls in science, not only as beneficiaries but also as agents of change.
12th February Darwin Day
12 February is celebrated every year as Darwin Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of the father of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin in 1809. In 2015, Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species was voted the most influential academic book in history. This day highlights Darwin’s contribution to evolutionary and plant science. .
12th February Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
12th February is celebrated as the birthday of the most popular president in United States history namely Abraham Lincoln. This day is also known as Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, Abraham Lincoln Day, or Lincoln Day.
12th February National Productivity Day
It is observed on 12th February annually to increase the productivity culture in India. It is celebrated by the National Productivity Council (NPC) with a theme.
List of Important National and International Days
13th February World Radio Day
World Radio Day is celebrated on 13th February to raise awareness about the importance of Radio. In several countries, it is the primary source for providing information.
13th February Sarojini Naidu Birth Anniversary
13th February is celebrated as the birth anniversary of the Nightingale of India i.e. Sarojini Naidu. She was the first Indian woman President of the Indian National Congress and also the first woman governor of an Indian state that is Governor of United Province which is now known as Uttar Pradesh. She was born on 13 February 1879 in Hyderabad to scientist and philosopher Aghornath Chattopadhyaya and Barada Sundari Devi.
14th February Saint Valentine’s Day
On 14 February every year, Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine is observed. Valentine’s Day is named after a Catholic priest named Saint Valentine who lived in Rome in the 3rd Century.
18th to 27th February Taj Mahotsav
On 18th February every year Taj Mahotsav or Taj Festival is celebrated at Agra reveals the rich cultural heritage of our country. The Taj Mahal represents the magnificence of the Mughal era and displays the finest specimens of Indian craftsmanship.
Special Days February 2022
20th February Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day
Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day is celebrated on 20th February as on this day it gained the status of the Union Territory and named Arunachal Pradesh.
20th February World Day of Social Justice
World Day of Social Justice is observed every year on 20th February to encourage people to see how social justice affects poverty eradication. The main aim of this day is to achieve full employment and support for social integration.
21st February International Mother Language Day
International Mother Language Day is celebrated annually on 21st February worldwide to aware of the diversity of the language and its variety. This day promotes the awareness of language and cultural diversity across the world.
22nd February World Scout Day
22nd February every year World Scout Day is celebrated. This day marks the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the pioneer of Scouting. Millions of Scouts from around the world gather at local, national, and international levels to celebrate the Founder’s Day.
Complete List of National and International Days
24th February Central Excise Day
Central Excise Day is observed in India on 24th February every year to encourage the employees of the excise department to carry out the central excise duty in a better way to prevent corruption in the manufacturing business and to carry out the best possible exercise services in India.
27th February World NGO Day
The day is dedicated to recognising, celebrating, and honour all non-governmental and non-profit organisations, and also the people behind them that contribute to society.
List of important Days 2022
28th February National Science Day
National Science Day is celebrated every year in India on 28th February to mark the discovery of the Raman Effect by the Indian physicist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman.
28th February Rare Disease Day
The day raises awareness and generates change for the people who are living with a rare disease, their families, and their carers.
February 2021 festival list India फरवरी 2022 के त्योहार
01 फरवरी 2022, मंगलवार: मौनी अमावस्या
02 फरवरी 2022, बुधवार: माघ मास शुक्लपक्ष पक्षारम्भ, बल्लभ जयंती
03 फरवरी 2022, बृहस्पतिवार: गौरी तृतीया
04 फरवरी 2022, शुक्रवार: विनायकी श्री गणेश चतुर्थी
05 फरवरी 2022, शनिवार: बसंत पंचमी
06 फरवरी 2022, रविवार: मन्दार षष्ठी, श्री शीतलाषष्ठी
07 फरवरी 2022, सोमवार: अचला सप्तमी व्रत
08 फरवरी 2022, मंगलवार: श्री दुर्गाष्टमी व्रत, भीष्माष्टमी
10 फरवरी 2022, गुरुवार: महानन्दा नवमी
12 फरवरी 2022, शनिवार: जया एकादशी व्रत, स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती जयंती
13 फरवरी 2022, रविवार: भीष्म द्वादशी
14 फरवरी 2022, सोमवार: सोमवार प्रदोष व्रत
16 फरवरी 2022, बुधवार: माघी पूर्णिमा, ललिता जयंती, भैरव जयंती
17 फरवरी 2022, गुरुवार: फाल्गुन मास कृष्ण पक्षारम्भ, माघ मासीय व्रत पारण
20 फरवरी 2022, रविवार: श्री गणेश चतुर्थी व्रत
23 फरवरी 2022, बुधवार: कालाष्टमी
24 फरवरी 2022, बृहस्पतिवार: श्री सीताष्टमी, जानकी जयंती
25 फरवरी 2022, शुक्रवार: रामदास जयंती
26 फरवरी 2022, शनिवार: स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती जयंती
27 फरवरी 2022, रविवार: विजया एकादशी व्रत
28 फरवरी 2022, सोमवार: सोमवार प्रदोष व्रत
Festivals in February 2022
1 फरवरी – भारतीय तटरक्षक दिवस
2 फरवरी – विश्व आर्द्रभूमि दिवस
2 फरवरी – आरए जागरूकता दिवस
4 फरवरी – विश्व कैंसर दिवस
4 फरवरी – श्रीलंका का राष्ट्रीय दिवस
4 फरवरी – सूरजकुंड शिल्प मेला
January 2022 List of Important Days and Dates in Hindi
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