Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2022 Wishes And Quotes

According to the Hindu calendar, Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated on the day of Magha Purnima. Sant Ravidas is counted among the great saints. Sant Ravidas was of a very simple heart and left the pomp of the world and emphasized on the purity of heart. One of his proverbs about this – “Jo man chaga to kathoti mein Ganga” is quite popular.

Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2022 Wishes, Quotes

If your heart is pious then the holy river is right in your tub and you need not go anywhere else to take a dip. Happy Guru Ravidas Jayanti!

Let us remember all the great preaching of guruji on this occasion of his birthday and travel in the path of wisdom. Happy Guru Ravidas Jayanti!

If you are alone, you must try and acquire knowledge all by yourself. If there are two persons you should exchange knowledge.
Happy Guru Ravidas Jayanti!

Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2022 Wishes And Quotes

You are my god, I am your devotee, and I trust you with my heart and soul. May the lord show all of us the divine path? Happy Guru Ravidas Jayanti.

You show us thee light of wisdom and drive away the darkness of foolishness. Happy Guru Ravidas Jayanti.

Let us remember all the great preaching of Guruji on this occasion of his birthday and travel in the path of wisdom. Happy Guru Ravidas Jayanti.

Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2022 Wishes In Hindi

मन चंगा तो कठौती में गंगा।
संत परंपरा के महान योगी और
परम ज्ञानी संत श्री रविदास जी को कोटि कोटि नमन।
हैप्पी गुरु रविदास जयंती।

जा देखे घिन उपजै, नरक कुंड मेँ बास।
प्रेम भगति सों ऊधरे, प्रगटत जन रैदास।।

जाति-जाति में जाति हैं, जो केतन के पात।
रैदास मनुष ना जुड़ सके जब तक जाति न जात।।

Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2022 Wishes And Quotes

रविदास जन्म के कारनै, होत न कोउ नीच।
नर कूँ नीच करि डारि है, ओछे करम की कीच।।

हरि-सा हीरा छांड कै, करै आन की आस।
ते नर जमपुर जाहिंगे, सत भाषै रविदास।।

Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2022 Wishes And Quotes

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