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Happy Blood Donation 2022 Slogans

Happy Blood Donation 2022 Slogans: World Blood Donor Day is an annual observance celebrated by the World Health Organization on 14 June every year. The purpose of this day is to create awareness about the importance of blood donation.

This day is also celebrated to honor the people who donate their blood at regular intervals. The day was first observed on 14 June 2005, and the day is the birthday of the Austrian Nobel Prize winning biologist Karl Landsteiner. On this day WHO organizes different programs to create awareness in different countries.

So let’s make aware by sending World Blood Donor Day Poster, World Blood Donor Day Quotes, World Blood Donor Day Messages, World Blood Donor Day Slogan, World Blood Donor Day Greetings to your friend, relative and loved ones.

Happy Blood Donation 2022 Slogans

  • We all can donate blood.
  • If you can donate blood then you must.
  • Donating blood gives us a chance to save a life.
  • Life is precious and donating blood can save it.
  • Those who donate blood are the real heroes.
  • Donating blood is the kindest act we all can do.
  • If you have donated blood then you are a rock star.

Happy World Blood Donor Day Slogan

  • Just by donating your blood, you can save a life.
  • You are nothing less than an angel if you donate blood.
  • We all have the ability to donate blood and save lives.
  • Donating blood is an opportunity to do our little good.
  • You can become a real life hero by donating your blood.
  • Your blood will not take long to get replaced. Donate blood.

Unique and Catchy Blood Donation Slogans

  • Blood donation does not cost us anything but it can save someone’s life.
  • Someone is going to be really happy for the blood you have donated.
  • Donate blood and become a reason for many smiles.
  • Every drop of blood is miraculous. Don’t forget to donate it.
  • A little blood that you donate can change someone’s life.
  • Donate your blood and give someone happiness and life.

World Blood Donor Day Slogan

  • Donating blood is doing your little bit for someone who is suffering.
  • When you can share other things then why can’t you donate blood.
  • Donating blood is the most generous thing we all can do.
  • There are so many people needing blood and such lesser donors.
  • Many people are in need of blood and you can help one of them in need.
  • You will not lose anything by donating blood but someone somewhere will get blessed.

Blood Donation Status in Hindi

Khush naseeb hain wo log jo apna khun daan karke duske ka jeevan bacha sakte hain. World Blood Donor Day 2022.

Is duniya mein kitne aise log hain jo khun milne ki kami ke kaaran praan tyaag dete  hain. World Blood Donor Day par aise sabhi logon ka jeevan bachane ka sankalp karein.

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