National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Quotes
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Quotes: Every year January 11th is observed as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Here is the collection of motivational National Human Trafficking Awareness Day messages, Human Trafficking Quotes and inspirational human trafficking quotes to share with all.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2022
Best Quotes, Messages to Share for National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2022
Warm wishes on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day to everyone. We all must join hands against this inhumane practice.
This day is all about creating awareness about human trafficking. Share with everyone around you National Human Trafficking Awareness Day wishes and greetings images. Wish one and all with National Human Trafficking Awareness Day sayings and status Messages.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Messages 2022
Wishing a very Happy National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Let us make everyone aware of the threats of human trafficking.
On the occasion of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, let us join hands to fight against this practice that has made many lives hell.
A very Happy National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Every human deserves to have a safe and secure life.
The occasion of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day reminds us all that this issue still needs the attention of the world.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Wishes 2022
Wishing everyone a Happy National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. May this world becomes free from this practice.
The world will be a much better place to live is there is no human trafficking. Happy National Human Trafficking Awareness Day to all.
We all have to come together to fight with something as challenging as human trafficking. Warm wishes on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
On the occasion of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, we must wake up and address this serious issue for a better life.
Wishing a very Happy National Human Trafficking Awareness Day to everyone. Humans must be saved from this practice and we must come together to fight against it.
Human Trafficking Slogans in Hindi
Humein deh vyapar ke virudh aawaz uthani hogi.
Har insaan surakshit hoga tabhi yeh sansar surakshit hoga.
Aaj bhi kitne log deh vyapar ka shikar hote hain.
Insan ko bechna ya karidhna bahut bada paap hai.
Yeh jeevan sukhi tabhi hoga jab deh vyapar khatam hoga.
Deh vyapar is sansar ki bahut badi samasya hai.
Inspiring Quotes on Human Trafficking
“Defeating human trafficking is a great moral calling of our time.” Condoleeza Rice, former U.S. Secretary of State
“We must make human trafficking dangerous.” —Matt Parker, Co-Founder of The Exodus Road
“Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ. It is a crime against humanity.” —Pope Francis
Inspiring Quotes on Justice
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” —Martin Luther King, Jr., American civil rights leader
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —Barack Obama, former U.S. President
“Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity.” —Mother Teresa, saint and missionary
Human Trafficking Awareness Day Messages
Reach out to ask how we can contribute to the fight against human trafficking and violence against women & children.
Exchange your views with people about human trafficking and modern slavery. Concern on National human trafficking awareness day.
Learn to combat human trafficking and assist human trafficking victims.
On Human Trafficking awareness day we urge not to remove our freedom to express ourselves freely with regards to inward immigration into the US.
We are expressing the importance of the awareness which we wish to explore with people regarding human trafficking.
To all the people trying to make sex work illegal on the basis of human trafficking, we are here to fight against it.
मानव तस्करी पर स्लोगन
बड़ी संख्या में बच्चे जबरन श्रम, भीख मांगने और यौन शोषण के शिकार हैं।
यह मानवाधिकारों का उल्लंघन है और बच्चे वंचित हैं। यह बच्चे की मानसिक और शारीरिक क्षमता को भंग करता है जो कि हर बच्चे के विकास के लिए प्राथमिक है।
बाल तस्करी की कुप्रथा के कारण बच्चे अपना बचपन खो देते हैं। बच्चों के मूल अधिकार, आर्थिक स्थिति, जाति या लिंग के बावजूद, उनसे लूट ली जाती है।
ट्रैफिकर्स इस तथ्य से अवगत हैं कि बच्चों में गलत और सही समझने की मानसिक क्षमता कम विकसित होती है और वे वयस्कों की तुलना में अपने आघात को कम करने में सक्षम होते हैं।
बाल तस्करी शोषण के लिए बच्चे की तलाश करना है। भारत में ग्रामीण, आदिवासी और शहरी क्षेत्रों से हर साल हजारों बच्चों की तस्करी होती है। पीड़ितों को वस्तुओं की तरह खरीदा और बेचा जाता है।
मानव तस्करी के बारे में तथ्य
(संयुक्त राष्ट्र ड्रग्स और अपराध और अन्य संस्थानों के अनुसार)
- तस्करी के शिकार लोगों में 51% महिलाएं, 28% बच्चे और 21% पुरुष हैं.
- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रमिक संगठन के अनुमान के अनुसार दुनिया में जबरन श्रम और मानव तस्करी का उद्योग $150 बिलियन का है.
- भारत उन देशों में से है, जिनमें मानव तस्करी के शिकार लोगों की सबसे बड़ी संख्या है. एक अनुमान के अनुसार भारत में एक गरीब बच्ची को वेश्यावृत्ति में फंसाने में सिर्फ 48 घंटे लगते हैं.
- सेक्स उद्योग में शोषित 72% महिलाएं हैं
- पहचाने गए मानव तस्करों में 63% पुरुष और 37% महिलाएँ शामिल हैं.
- 43% पीड़ित किसी देश की सीमाओं के भीतर ही घरेलू स्तर पर मानव तस्करी का शिकार बनते हैं.
- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रमिक संगठन के अनुमान के अनुसार वैश्विक स्तर पर मानव तस्करी से 40.3 मिलियन लोग पीड़ित हैं.
Stop Human Trafficking Quotes Slogans
Proud to be the part of a powerful voice against human trafficking. Awareness is a must. National human trafficking awareness day.
The women are considered to be Possible Human Trafficking Victims. Be aware of all the incidents happening around you.
Most of the countries in the world are cracking down on Human Trafficking. Create awareness.
Great to see myself involved in working to support human trafficking victims across the United States. Learn how to combat modern slavery & human trafficking.
Quotes from human trafficking survivors
No surprise that yesterday’s cheerleaders are endorsed the occupation of human trafficking and many other crimes since no awareness has been created!
Human trafficking is not someone else’s problem but it is happening in our backyard.
Almost all the countries in the world are affected by Human Trafficking. Protective laws must in place and consistently enforced to end Human Trafficking.
I’m promoting the excellent work to combat human trafficking and exploitation of indigenous girls and boys. Every little act matters!
Quotes about human trafficking awareness
I’m supporting the shops by rescued survivors of human trafficking. Do you?
Try to expose sex-abuse activities and create awareness. National human trafficking awareness day.
I’m pleased to work with a group to make sure human trafficking, the real risk is on the radar. Migration schemes must not facilitate human trafficking but ensure all workers have rights and safety protected.
New human trafficking cases are reporting from all over the world every now and then. Help women from forced prostitution and bring down a human trafficking ring.
Stop human trafficking
Meet a human trafficking survivor and let them explain how they found themselves in trafficking. Revealing their experience is creating awareness.
Human trafficking victims can be of any age, gender, or nationality and may come from any social-economic group.
Shares the victim’s personal story and know why it’s time for all to wake up to Human Trafficking.
Anti human trafficking
Let us give freedom, love, and safety back to human trafficking victims. National human trafficking day.
I believe everyone deserves Freedom and a human trafficking victim too.
Law against Human Trafficking must see beyond the rehabilitation of survivors.
Know that you are Strong, Brave and Smart. See what can you do to help end Human Trafficking.
Thoughts about human trafficking
Human trafficking is happening everywhere, anytime, and can happen with anyone, even you. So raise your voice against Human trafficking now!
It is shocking to know that many human trafficking survivors have been trafficked by their spouses, family members, and even parents! Feeling sad.
Human trafficking victims are found in almost all labor industries. Support them, love them.
We are working in a group against human trafficking. We are thrilled to be working with it who shares our views in preventing the spread of modern slavery.
Human trafficking victims
Victim advocacy is an important part of caring for survivors of human trafficking. Share your thoughts and support the victims.
Although human trafficking continues to steal women’s futures, the restoration of their potential is what our voices stand for human trafficking.
Children are mostly used in trafficking exploitation by making them as a drug dealer or drug courier and paid for this to make them addicted and trapped in their group further.
Use your creativity for justice and to end Human Trafficking. National human trafficking awareness day.
Quotes on Human trafficking and slavery
The criminal justice system needs to correct action and oversight. National human trafficking awareness day.
We can make an impact on human trafficking awareness day and together we are able to do. Protect human trafficking victims.
Despite the awareness of the Modern Slavery Act and trafficking, no one wants to talk about trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Many individuals are greatly misused of human trafficking and they lead to counterintuitive efforts.
Make a big difference by contributing to a smaller anti-trafficking charity. Raise freedom!
Remember we can help end Human Trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Spread the word and create awareness.
Human Trafficking and slavery exist in every city around every corner, and it may exist right next to your door.
Human Trafficking Statistics
Did you know that your donation can help the launch of a new service to support human trafficking survivors? Donate generously to the cause.
Labor trafficking is a form of human trafficking and is happening across the country.
We can avoid sexualizing children, together we can do a lot more thing to create awareness.
Help stop human trafficking by creating awareness among people. National human trafficking awareness day.
Labor trafficking occurs in developed as well as developing countries too.
Human Trafficking is modern slavery and is happening right at your place. Create awareness before it spreads in your compound.
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