होम / धर्म / Womens Equality Day 2022 Slogans

Womens Equality Day 2022 Slogans

PUBLISHED BY: Sunita • LAST UPDATED : June 3, 2022, 9:45 pm IST
Womens Equality Day 2022 Slogans

Womens Equality Day 2022 Slogans

Womens Equality Day 2022 Slogans: Every year 26 August is celebrated as Women’s Equality Day. On this day in 1920, women in America got the right to vote through a constitutional amendment. This day was first celebrated on 26 August 1973. Since then this day is celebrated as Women’s Equality Day.

This day sets an example that women are not weak, they do not belong to weak communities. Women are warriors, they deserve more and they will fight for their rights whenever they feel that they are suppressed. Here are some of the best Women’s Equality Day Wishes, Women’s Equality Day Messages and Women’s Equality Day Quotes that you can share with your friends and family.

Womens Equality Day 2022 Slogans

Womens Equality Day 2022

  • Equality is their birthright.
  • Different genders but equal rights.
  • Rights for women are rights for humans.
  • Equal rights for both men and women.
  • Stand up to defend your rights.
  • We want to live without violence and discrimination.
  • Gender discrimination is making the society dead.
  • Don’t let gender be the measure of their potential.
  • Each and every human is equal and must always be treated with equality.
  • Men and women complement each other and therefore they are equal to each other.
  • When nature doesn’t discriminate between them, why do we?We want justice for gender…. Equal rights for both men and women.

Womens Equality Day 2022 Sayings and Slogans

Womens Equality Day 2022 Sayings and Slogans

  • Women are as strong, as determined and as powerful as men.
  • God created men and women and he treats them both equal.
  • Sun or moon, air or water, all treat women and men equally.
  • Women don’t want any special rights, they just want equal rights.
  • Treat women equally and see the world change for the better.
  • If women are treated with equality, the world will then progress in real sense.
  • It is we who have created so many differences between men and women.
  • Never ever discriminate against anyone based on gender because that is the biggest crime towards humans.

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