संबंधित खबरें
मृत्यु के बाद किस तरह किया जाता है अच्छे-बुरे कर्मों का हिसाब, 20 मिनट के लिए मृत हुए इस शख्स ने खोला उस दुनिया का राज!
क्यों नहीं होती एक ही गोत्र में शादी? न सिर्फ धार्मिक बल्कि वैज्ञानिक कारण तो उड़ा देगा आपके होश!
100 साल बाद बन रहा है बुध, शनि और सूर्य का महासंयोग, जिस भी राशि पर पड़ी इनकी नजर पैसों से लेकर कारोबार तक कर दिए है वारे-न्यारे, जानें वे 3 राशियां
अरबपतियों के घर में जरूर मिलेंगी ये 6 तरह की मूर्तियां, भर देती हैं पैसों से गल्ला
पूजा करते समय अगर आपको भी मिल रहे है इनमे से कोई 5 संकेत…समझिये भगवान तक पहुंच गई है गुहार, जल्द आएंगी खुशियां!
हिंदुत्व का पूरी दुनिया में बज रहा डंका, महाकुंभ में आस्था की डुबकी लगाने पहुंच रहे विदेशी, जानिए अब तक किन-किन देशों के श्रद्धालु पहुंचे?
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India was established on 1st July, 1949 and hence it is celebrated as Chartered Accountants Day in India. It is the second largest professional accounting and finance body in the world.
Every year this ICAI Foundation Day is celebrated as CA Day. Use ca day wishes and ca day quotes on ca day for chartered accountants to work hard and create new energy. Share this unique Happy CA Day Wishes & Greetings to Chartered Accountants with all CAs to make this day memorable.
Never ask a CA student when he is going to become a CA.
The journey to become a CA is so long that you often grow old.
You either become a CA or you just take attempts to become one.
You have to be a CA to understand the pain of other CA students.
Seeing a CA, I always want to ask a question: how many years.
If you have completed your CA then you have no idea how lucky you are.
CAs are the ones who always keep studying because for them more is less.
Those who are able to clear CA in just one attempt are the ones who are very rare.
The preparation to become a CA involves daily hard work for a good number of years.
CA students are done with their studies and revision well in advance before the exams.
There are so many steps before you finally clear your CA that you actually get tired.
It is very easy to enter into Chartered Accountancy but it is very difficult to clear it.
CAs are the ones who are going to help us save on our taxes and that’s why they study so hard.
Most of the CAs are unable to make it in their first attempt because they are working on creating a strong base.
You have to be constantly dedicated towards study if you wish to become a CA and that does not really happen.
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