होम / धर्म / Good Governance Day 2021 Messages Quotes Wishes

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages Quotes Wishes

PUBLISHED BY: Sunita • LAST UPDATED : December 24, 2021, 4:21 pm IST

संबंधित खबरें

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages Quotes Wishes

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages (25th Good Governance Day): The Government of India has announced to celebrate 25 December as Good Governance Day across India. Actually 25th December is the birthday of our former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee which has been declared as Good Governance Day to give him respect and respect forever. It has been announced by the Government of India that on 25th December (Good Governance Day) work will be done all day. Good Governance Day 25th Dec.

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Good Governance Day 2021 Messages Good Governance Day Images

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages

  • India has emerged as a fast-growing country. The Indian union is based on the principles of federalism.

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Our government has always been answerable and accountable to the citizens of our country.

  • Our government has always dispensed medicines and laid out necessary help {food, clothes} to people stuck in inclement weather.

Good Governance Day Inspirational Status

  • Let’s feel proud for the correct vote that we have instilled.
  • India is great power in today’s world due to its large economy, military, and population.
  • Let’s celebrate this December as a token of love, humanity, and unity with the legend Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

10+Best Atal Bihari Vajpayee Quotes

Good Governance Day Inspiring Lines

  • Different traditions, cultures, dialects, food, and habits, but one heart that bleeds blue in every citizen makes India the most remarkable nation.
  • This December let’s take an oath to make India an insightful nation and to preserve our natural resources and human rights.

Good Governance Day Messages

  • Let’s grant our gratitude towards our corruption-free government this December.
  • Our government has provided us new hope for facilities and development to better our country in the upcoming years.

Happy good governance day wishes

  • The government has enabled to maintain equality, liberty sovereignty throughout its regime.
  • Let’s thank our government this December for undertaking so many welfare projects for our country.

Good Governance Day 2021 Greetings

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages

  • May the youth make use of incredible digital India and create a better nation of tomorrow.
  • The government has provided its service very effectively throughout the years and led the nation on the path to good governance.

Good Governance Day Motivational Quotes

  • Let’s this December celebrate the journey of Atal Bihari Vajpayee as a great and dynamic leader of our nation. Happy Governance Day.
  • May we the public servants of our nation, remain committed to our duties and responsibilities forever.

Slogan on good governance day

  • May each individual encourage and inspire each other to make efforts towards the sustainable government.
  • May every student gets a chance to study in good schools, sick get well treated by physicians.

Good Governance Day Quotes

  • There shall be no one sleeping starving at night and remain shielded in harsh weather.
  • Let’s appreciate our government for maintaining transparency in decision making with its citizens.

Good Governance Day Thoughts

  • Every citizen is the fundamental key to good governance, and good governance leads to a good nation.
  • We must utilise this technology age to spread peace, humanity, and unity among every individual.

Good Governance Day Slogans

  • May each child attracted by speed attains the right direction to a better future and make a better India.
  • The Atal Bhujal Yojana is an initiative taken by our dear government to provide sustainable management of underground water to the needy on this day.
  • May many more such productive measures are promoted to bring behaviourally and rule changes in our nation.

Good Governance Day 2021 Quotes

Good Governance Day 2021 Messages

  • I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretence of taking care of them: Thomas Jefferson

Happy Good Governance Day

  • People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people: Alan Moore
  • Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner: James Bovard

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