होम / धर्म / Poster Message for World Heart Day

Poster Message for World Heart Day

BY: Amit Gupta • LAST UPDATED : September 27, 2021, 10:46 am IST

संबंधित खबरें

Poster Message for World Heart Day

World Heart Day

World Heart Day 2021 is celebrated on 29th September of every year. It is aimed at drawing people’s attention to heart illness and the range of associated health issues. The day is commemorated to promote different preventative steps and changes in lifestyle to avoid any cardiovascular diseases, like heart attack, stroke, heart failure and any other condition related to the same.

World Heart Day 2021 Wishes Messages Quotes and Slogans

Poster Message for World Heart Day 2021

Making a heart happy is the sweetest present to give anyone.

Healthy diet, regular exercise and happiness…. Perfect ingredients for a healthy heart.

Kill the stress and eat nutritious food and bid adieu to all the cardiovascular diseases.

Heartbeats are the rhythm of heart, let them play a beautiful song!!!

Catchy on Slogans for World Heart Day

You live longer and healthier if you have a heart that beats without any complications.

A happy heart is a healthy heart…. Stay happy and live longer.

Life is more beautiful and more fun when you have a heart that beats right.

Don’t take your heart lightly because that is the basis for life.

World Heart Day Greetings Messages

  1. Heart is supposed to be only healthy…. And on the occasion of World Heart Day, let us take care of all the hearts around us.
  2. Less of worries and more happiness is what I wish for you on the occasion of World Heart Day…. Stay happy and healthy.
  3. Warm wishes on World Heart Day to you…. Avoid stress to keep your heart healthy and happy…. Avoid tension for longer life.

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लेटेस्ट खबरें

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