संबंधित खबरें
बनना चाहते हैं करोड़ों के बादशाह, आज ही पहन लें ये रत्न, फायदे जान हिल जाएंगे आप!
लंका में लगा दी थी आग, चूर-चूर हो गया था रावण का घमंड, किसने भेजा गुप्त संदेश!
किस्मत ने छोड़ दिया है साथ? कर लिए जो ये 3 उपाय, एक-एक कर मिट जाएंगे सारे कष्ट!
मिट जाएंगे सारे पाप, नसिब होगा स्वर्ग, अमृत स्नान क्यों होता है इतना खास, महत्व जान होंगे हैरान!
दशकों बाद बना ये महासंयोग, शनि और बुध का मेल लाएगा बवंडर, इन राशियों के हाथ लग सकता है बड़ा खजाना!
Today Horoscope: मेष से लेकर मीन तक किस पर बरसेगी आज मां सरस्वती की असीम कृपा, जानें 12 राशियों का आज का राशिफल!
Belated Happy Halloween 2021 Wishes : Halloween (हैलोवीन) is celebrated each year on October 31. In western countries this festival is celebrated with pomp. This festival is celebrated for the peace of the ancestors’ souls. Christians celebrate this festival with pomp. Halloween is also known as Hallows Eve, All Saints Eve, All Hallow Evening, All halloween.
Non-Christian people also celebrate this festival in many places around the world with pomp. Halloween is celebrated in America (अमेरिका) England (इंग्लैंड) and European countries. But this festival started in Ireland (आयरलैंड) and Scotland (स्कॉटलैंड). This is the last day of the Celtic calendar. Hence it is celebrated as the beginning of new year among the Celtic people.
This Day People hollow out the pumpkin (कद्दू) make eyes, nose and mouth in it and keep a candle inside. Which is hung outside the house or on the trees. After which he is buried. Children take chocolates from neighbors and relatives on this day.
It has different practices in many countries. The concept of Halloween can be a bit scary , but it’s great fun to be part of the celebration. Now read these awesome halloween wishes, halloween quotes and greeting for halloween and share it with your friend and family.
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