होम / धर्म / Best Children's Day 2021 Captions for Instagram

Best Children's Day 2021 Captions for Instagram

BY: Sunita • LAST UPDATED : October 23, 2021, 6:50 am IST
Best Children's Day 2021 Captions for Instagram

Childrens Day 2021 Captions for Instagram

Childrens Day 2021 Captions for Instagram : Children’s Day (बाल दिवस) is celebrated every year on 14 November. Children’s Day is celebrated every year on the occasion of the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू).

Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime Minister of India was very fond of children and because of this his birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day. So this year you also wish Happy Children’s Day with Children’s Day Messages, Children’s Day Quotes and Children’s Day Status.

Childrens Day Status for Instagram (Childrens Day 2021 Captions for Instagram)

  • If you are surrounded with kids you have no idea how lucky you are. Happy Children’s Day.
  • Let us celebrate Children’s Day with kids and make it a happy day.
  • Happy Children’s Day to all. It is time to live like a child and behave like a child.
  • Life would have been so much simpler had we not grown up. Happy Children’s Day.
  • Children are the reasons for many smiles. Let us protect them and their childhood.

Childrens Day Captions for Instagram (Childrens Day 2021 Captions for Instagram)

Childrens Day 2021 Captions for Instagram

  • Warm wishes on Children’s Day. Be the child you have always wanted to be.
  • Children are like the flowers who spread happiness and smiles into our lives. Happy Children’s Day.
  • If you wish to live healthy and joyous then connect with the child inside you. Happy Children’s Day.
  • Let us paint this day with the beautiful colors of childhood. Warm wishes on Children’s Day.
  • If you want happiness in life you have to live like a child. Happy Children’s Day.
  • The only mantra to keep tensions away in life is living life like a child. Happy Children’s Day.
  • Life is so much better when you let the child inside you live. Warm wishes on Children’s Day.
  • Childhood is the most special phase of the life that we want to live. Happy Children’s Day.
  • Being a child is always fun. Happy Children’s Day to the kid in us.
  • Children are the most beautiful creatures in life. A very Happy Children’s Day to all.
  • There is no better phase than being a child. Enjoy it to the fullest. Happy Children’s Day.
  • Warm wishes on Children’s Day to all. Never miss the chance to be a child again.
  • We all miss being a child because we all miss the beautiful days of childhood. Happy Children’s Day.

Quotes by Chaha Nehru

Childrens Day 2021 Slogans

  • Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. Only through right education can a better order of society be built up.
  • The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country.
  • Children do not think of differences amongst themselves.

Quotes by Pt Nehru

Missing Childrens Day 2021 Messages

  • I may not have time for adults, but I have enough time for children.
  • Let us be little humble, let us think that the truth may not perhaps be entirely with us.
  • The vast army of children across the world, outwardly different kinds of clothes, and yet so very like another. If you bring them together, they play or quarrel, but even their quarrel is some kind of play. They do not think of differences amongst themselves, the difference between class or caste or colour or status. They are wiser than their fathers or mothers.
  • As they grow up, unfortunately, their natural freedom is often eclipsed by teaching and behaviour of elders. At school, they learn many things, which are no doubt useful, but they gradually forget that essential thing to be human and kind, playful and make life richer for ourselves and others.

Famous Quotes by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Universal Childrens Day 2021 Messages

  • Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives and principles.
  • The only way to reform them is to win them over with love. So long as a child is unfriendly, you can’t mend his ways. He can be disciplined, if his attention is drawn to some other activity, like a voluntary body in Delhi (1960s) “Bal Sahyog” used to do. They learn many things there during vocations, without any compulsion of sort and then their minds get diverted to constructive channels.”
  • The object of education was to produce a desire to serve the community as a whole and to apply the Knowledge gained not only for personal but for public welfare.

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