संबंधित खबरें
मृत्यु के बाद किस तरह किया जाता है अच्छे-बुरे कर्मों का हिसाब, 20 मिनट के लिए मृत हुए इस शख्स ने खोला उस दुनिया का राज!
क्यों नहीं होती एक ही गोत्र में शादी? न सिर्फ धार्मिक बल्कि वैज्ञानिक कारण तो उड़ा देगा आपके होश!
100 साल बाद बन रहा है बुध, शनि और सूर्य का महासंयोग, जिस भी राशि पर पड़ी इनकी नजर पैसों से लेकर कारोबार तक कर दिए है वारे-न्यारे, जानें वे 3 राशियां
अरबपतियों के घर में जरूर मिलेंगी ये 6 तरह की मूर्तियां, भर देती हैं पैसों से गल्ला
पूजा करते समय अगर आपको भी मिल रहे है इनमे से कोई 5 संकेत…समझिये भगवान तक पहुंच गई है गुहार, जल्द आएंगी खुशियां!
हिंदुत्व का पूरी दुनिया में बज रहा डंका, महाकुंभ में आस्था की डुबकी लगाने पहुंच रहे विदेशी, जानिए अब तक किन-किन देशों के श्रद्धालु पहुंचे?
Congratulations Wishes for Chartered Accountant: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India was established on 1st July, 1949 and hence it is celebrated as Chartered Accountants Day in India. It is the second largest professional accounting and finance body in the world.
Every year this ICAI Foundation Day is celebrated as CA Day. Use ca day wishes and ca day quotes on ca day for chartered accountants to work hard and create new energy. Share this unique Happy CA Day Wishes & Greetings to Chartered Accountants with all CAs to make this day memorable.
Students like you always shine bright because they never surrender to their circumstances but they always work hard to achieve success in life. Congratulations my dear.
Becoming a CA is just another step on the ladder that you have taken and there are many more steps before you reach the top. All the best and Congratulations to you.
We always knew that you are going to clear Chartered Accountancy because that is one dream which you have been chasing for a long. Congratulations my dear.
Heartfelt congratulations to you on clearing the CA examinations and writing your success story. Wishing you good luck for the future.
Success comes to only those who work hard for it and you are truly an example of dedication and commitment. Congratulations on becoming a chartered accountant.
You have always put your studies before anything else and this certainly reflects in your results. Congratulations on becoming a Chartered Accountant.
Nothing in this world is impossible for you because you know how to work hard for it. Congratulations on completing CA and making us all proud.
It is not easy to become a CA because just like any other profession, it also demands regular studies and immense dedication. Congratulations on your success.
We are really proud that finally you have achieved one of the most important goals of your life. Congratulations on completing CA.
The only formula to have success in life is dedication and you always have been a dedicated soul. Congratulations on completing CA with such wonderful numbers.
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