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Friendship Day 2022 Wishes for Family

BY: Sunita • LAST UPDATED : July 30, 2022, 6:30 pm IST

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Friendship Day 2022 Wishes for Family

Friendship Day 2022 Wishes for Family

Friendship Day 2022 Wishes for Family: Friendship Day is a day where we celebrate and recognize the people in our lives that are our friends. It is celebrated worldwide throughout the year. In the USA and Canada, it is recognized on July 30th. While in India, it is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year.

While different countries may recognize the day at different times of the year, all countries recognize the importance of friendships in our lives. Share these Happy Friendship quotes with others. Send a friendship wish or message to that special person in your life.

Friendship Day 2022 Wishes for Family

I have the best friend in this world and that is my family who has stood by me through thick and thin and never stopped loving me even when I was not a good person….. Happy Friendship Day to my loving family.

It is so beautiful that the friend you made in your childhood is your friend even when you are old…. Such is the beauty of having your siblings as your friend and I am so lucky to have you in my life…. Best wishes on Friendship Day to you.

When a baby grows, he finds his first friend in his family members and I am really very blessed to have such a loving and caring family who will always stay my best friend, no matter what age I am…. A very Happy Friendship Day to all.

I have the best grandfather and grandmother in this world because they are also my most adorable friends who have fulfilled all my requests and pampered me like an angel…. Sending my love and best wishes on Friendship Day to my cute old friends.

Dear dad, there were times when you were just a father to me but recently I have found a friend in you who understands me the best in this world…. Thanks for giving me such a good friend and a wonderful father…. Warm wishes on Friendship Day to you.

Friendship Day 2022 Messages for Family

God did not only send a sister to me but he also gifted me with a wonderful friend…. I am glad to have you as my sister and also as my best friend….. Let us celebrate Friendship Day with good fun and lots of entertainment.

Thanks to you I never felt the need of having a friend because cousins make the best friend…. Even when you hangout with them, there are no restrictions because they are a family…..To my sweet cousin, a very Happy Friendship Day 2022.

To the best mother in this world who performs all her roles with perfection and is also a very dear friend to me with whom I can comfortably share all my secrets and know that they are all safe…. A very Happy Friendship Day to you mom.

When I was born, I had a big brother who gradually became my friend….. We would laugh together, fight with each other but our love for each other is eternal and so is our friendship…. Best wishes on Friendship Day to you bhai.

Sitting together, eating together, enjoying together…… This is the mantra of our family….. A family that is my backbone because each member is my friend and well-wisher…. I thank God everyday for giving me such a wonderful family….. Happy Friendship Day to all.

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