संबंधित खबरें
क्यों दुर्योधन की जांघ तोड़कर ही भीम ने उतारा था उसे मौत के घाट, पैर में छिपा था ऐसा कौन-सा जीवन का राज?
जो लोग छिपा लेते हैं दूसरों से ये 7 राज…माँ लक्ष्मी का रहता है उस घर में सदैव वास, खुशियों से भरी रहती है झोली
इन 4 राशियों की लड़कियों का प्यार पाना होता है जंग जीतने जैसा, स्वर्ग सा बना देती हैं जीवन
देवो के देव महादेव के माता-पिता है कौन? शिव परिवार में क्यों नहीं दिया जाता पूजा स्थान
नए साल पर गलती से भी न करें ये काम, अगर कर दिया ऐसा तो मां लक्ष्मी देंगी ऐसी सजा जो सोच भी नहीं पाएंगे आप
दान में जो दे दिए इतने मुट्ठी चावल तो दुनिया की कोई ताकत नहीं जो रोक दे आपके अच्छे दिन, जानें सही तरीका और नियम?
World Health Day Quotes 2022: World health day is celebrated on 7th of April, at Saturday every year globally. Find the best and unique collection of Happy Word Health Day messages, World Health Day Greetings, Whatsapp Status, World Health Day Wishes to your loved ones.
Send warm and thoughtful World health Day messages, World Health Day 2022 Slogan, quotes to all your family, friends, students, kids, near and dear ones on Facebook, Whatsapp etc.
Wish all my fellow brothers a very happy World Health day. Stay healthy and stay blessed.
Prevention is better than cure. Happy World Health Day
Health is greatest wealth. Happy World Health Day 2022
An unhappy soul can kill you faster than a disease. Happy World Health Day
Health gives hope, hope gives life. Stay healthy. Happy World Health day
There is freedom in health.it frees you from illness. Happy World Health day
You can look and feel good, if you have a good health. Happy World Health day.
Staying healthy is physical, emotional, and social. Stay healthy. Happy World Health day
Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy soul is staying healthy. Happy World’s Health day.
Health is the only wealth that we all want to earn it.
Be rich and be happy by attaining health.
Have more veggies to a better system and health!!!
“We never value our health until we lose it. Don’t let that happen and take care of your wellness. Happy World Health Day to you.”
“Warm wishes on World Health Day to you. Health is the most important wealth for each one of us and therefore, we must take care of it.”
“The world is a much better place to live when your health is in place. Wishing a very Happy World Health Day.”
Eat healthy and stay healthy. Happy World Health Day.
Belief cures more than drugs. Happy World Health Day
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Eat healthy, exercise regularly, die gracefully. Happy World Health Day 2022
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