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World Kidney Day 2022 Quotes: World Kidney Day (WKD) is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of March. This day brings attention to different diseases related to kidneys and people suffering from them. It is the global awareness campaign to raise awareness of the importance of kidneys to our health and to reduce the impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. Here you will read quotes, Messages, and wishes in Hindi and English for World Kidney Day 2022.
Read More: 100+ World Kidney Day Message, Quotes, Kidney Slogans 2022
Control your glucose levels and diabetes. Identify it early and diminish the harm to kidneys. Celebrate this World Kidney Day by getting a full body check-up.
On this occasion of World Kidney Day take an oath to abstain from smoking since it moderates the progression of blood to kidneys which in turn weakens the working of kidneys. Happy World Kidney Day.
Make sure that your blood pressure is neither too high nor too low. Keep your kidneys healthy and safe. Wish you a happy and healthy World kidney day.
Get rid of all the waste in your systems such as urea, uric acid, toxins, and other wastes via urine. Keep your kidneys safe. Wish you a very happy and healthy World kidney day.
Don’t let the pain and struggle to crush you. Take care of your kidneys and stay healthy. Wish you a very happy World Kidney Day.
On this occasion of World Kidney Day, remember to let your strength and your courage define you, not your illness. Wish you a very happy and healthy World Kidney Day.
Read More: World Kidney Day 2022 Quotes In English
Make a habit of drinking more water and less aerated drinks to prevent your kidneys from spoiling. Stay healthy and be safe on this World kidney day.
Take an oath to stay hydrated and make healthier food choices to ensure proper maintenance of your kidneys. Stay healthy and be safe on this World kidney day.
Keep your kidneys safe and regulate your protein intake on this day. Wish you a very happy and healthy World kidney day.
On this occasion of World Kidney day take a pledge to exercise regularly and sweat more to keep your kidneys safe. Take proper care and ensure a healthy lifestyle on this day. Happy World Kidney Day.
Maintain a healthy weight and avoid salts to keep your kidneys healthy. Wish you a very happy and healthy world kidney day.
Read More: World Kidney Day 2022 Quotes In Hindi
Our kidney is a vital part of our lives for so many reasons to take a pledge to take good care of them on this day. Stay healthy and be safe on this world kidney day.
“Healthy kidneys make a body healthy as they are a signal that everything is good inside your body. Happy World Kidney Day 2022.”
If you are neglecting the health of your kidney then you will have to pay for it later. Wishing a very Happy World Kidney Day.”
“Never let your illness define you but always have your strengths and success stories define you. Work on your kidneys to work on your health.”
“Wishing a very Happy World Kidney Day to everyone. We must take good care of our kidneys in order to make sure that we do not repent later.”
“Kidneys are of the most important organs of our bodies and they need to be attended to regularly. Happy World Kidney Day to everyone.”
“Healthy kidneys are what everybody needs in order to live a healthy and smooth life. Warm wishes on the occasion of World Kidney Day to everyone.”
“On the occasion of World Kidney Day, let us make everyone aware of the importance of kidneys in our lives to add more significance to this day.”
“Wishing a very Happy World Kidney Day. Staying aware of kidney health can help us keep the kidney diseases at bay.”
“On the occasion of World Kidney Day, we must wake up and start taking care of our kidneys to stay healthy and happy.”
“Kidneys are one of the most precious organs we have and we must not take their wellness lightly. Warm wishes on World Kidney Day to everyone.”
“Taking the health of your kidneys lightly can get your health in serious trouble. Warm wishes on the occasion of World Kidney Day to you my dear.”
If wealth is lost, nothing is lost, we are here for better kidney health
Do what others can’t a kidney transplant.
Making everyone aware of kidney failure.
Kidneys are extremely important for your health.
Ignoring your kidneys is like ignoring your life.
Always be cautious about the health of your kidneys.
Acting early for your kidneys can save your health.
Do what’s good for the health of your kidneys.
You can save your kidneys if you act soon.
Preventive measures for kidney health can help.
Your kidneys certainly matter.
Always be careful about your kidneys
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