संबंधित खबरें
Today Horoscope: इस एक राशि को आज मिलेगा कार्यक्षेत्र में नया अवसर, तो वही 4 जातकों को रहना होगा सावधान, जानें आज का राशिफल
5 रानियां होने के बाद भी क्यों रावण सोता था हर रात अकेला? खुद हनुमान जी ने देखा था दशानन का ऐसा हाल!
धरती पर इस जगह से शुरू होगी प्रलय, धीरे-धीरे तबाह हो जाएगी दुनिया, एक नए बाबा ने की भयानक भविष्यवाणी
अघोरी के सामने जब बोल पड़ता हैं मुर्दा, कैसी होती है वो भयानक तंत्र सिद्धि जिसके आगे नहीं टिक…?
Ramayan में गुमनाम रहीं ये 3 बहनें…इतनी पावरफुल कि हैरान कर देंगे किस्से
भारत का वो इकलौता राजा जो करता था हर 5 साल में अपनी संपत्ति दान, ऐसा क्या था प्रयागराज के कुंभ में उसके लिए खास?
Happy National Technology Day 2022 Messages: National Technology Day is celebrated every year on 11 May in India. This day is dedicated to the achievements of India in the Science and Technology Field. This day is not just for Scientists or Engineers, this day is for every person who loves innovation.
11 May was announced as National Technology Day in India in 1998 and this initiative was taken by former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. On this day great Scientists, Engineers, and Innovators awarded for their Role in making India an advanced Technological Country.
National Technology Day will always be a proud day for every Indian and we must celebrate this special occasion with high spirits.
On the occasion of National Technology Day¸ I wish that India always keeps moving ahead in becoming a strong nation in technology and also otherwise.
Let always remember Shakti which marked an important milestone in the journey of technological advancement of India…. Best wishes on National Technology Day 2022.
For a country to grow and be successful, it has to have the best technology to stay ahead… Wishing you a very Happy National Technology Day 2022.
Pohkran marked the start of an inspiring journey and we wish that India celebrates this victory with many more such missions…. Happy National Technology Day 2022.
It is a day full of pride for every Indian because it was on this day that we conducted a nuclear power test in Pohkran…. Happy National Technology Day 2022.
Technology brings along the promise of growth, development and advancement…. Wishing a very Happy National Technology Day 2022.
For a sustainable future, every nation needs the latest technology….. Happy National Technology Day to everyone.
Each and every innovation is a small step taken towards the growth of the country…. Best wishes on National Technology Day 2022.
Also Read: English Language Day Quotes 2022
Also Read: Happy April Fools Day 2022 Messages
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