संबंधित खबरें
इन 3 तारीखों को जन्में लोग 30 से 45 की उम्र में खूब कमाते हैं पैसा, जानें इनकी कुंडली में ऐसा क्या होता है?
मरने के बाद शरीर से कैसे निकलती है आत्मा? मौत से जुड़े ये डरावने रहस्य नहीं जानते मनुष्य
अगर कंगाली से रहना चाहते हैं कोसों दूर, तो वॉशरूम में अनजाने से भी न रखें ये चीजें, वरना कभी नही भर पाएगा कुबेर खजाना!
कलियुग या घोर कलियुग? कैसा होगा महिलाओं और पुरुषों का चरित्र, श्रीकृष्ण ने द्वापर में कर दी थी ये भविष्यवाणी!
अगर बिना कर्ज चुकाए आ गई मृत्यु तो नए जन्म में पड़ सकता है तड़पना? ऐसा होगा अगला जन्म की झेलना होगा मुश्किल!
तुला समेत इन राशियों के खुलने वाले हैं भाग्य, पुष्य नक्षत्र में बनने जा रहा खास शुक्ल योग, जानें आज का राशिफल
September 15 is the International Day of Democracy, a day when people around the world honour the values of freedom, respect for human rights and free and transparent elections.The United States holds high the aspiration that one day everyone will experience the freedoms that Americans enjoy under a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
A very Happy International Day of Democracy to everyone. Let us give everyone equal rights and opportunities by embracing democracy.
We all must be given the right to choose the government and also form the government. Wishing a very Happy International Day of Democracy to all.
Democracy is the perfect formula to strike a balance on all the fronts of a nation. Let us vote for democracy. Happy International Day of Democracy to everyone.
To make this world a happier, healthier and prosperous place, we must follow the principles of democracy. Warm wishes on International Day of Democracy to all.
A democratic country is always loved and appreciated by everyone. Let us value and appreciate democracy. Happy International Day of Democracy.
When all the citizens have equal opportunities to form and run the government then the progress of a country is unstoppable. Happy International Day of Democracy.
Democracy is the key to having a nation that is happy, independent, strong and progressive. Warm wishes on International Day of Democracy.
Just talking about democracy is not enough, we must also act towards establishing it. Happy International Day of Democracy.
The occasion of International Day of Democracy highlights the importance of democracy for each one of us. Happy International Day of Democracy.
We all know the goodness democracy brings into a country and therefore, we must never underestimate it. Happy International Day of Democracy.
A country and its countrymen are happiest when they have a democratic set up to rule the nation. Wishing a very Happy International Day of Democracy.
On the occasion of International Day of Democracy, we must create more awareness about the progress and happiness this form of government brings along. Warm wishes on this day.
Wish your near and dear ones with inspiring International Day of Democracy slogans and quotes in English. Make everyone aware of the importance of democracy with these short but powerful slogans on democracy that can change the world for good.
Democracy is freedom with responsibility.
People who own the country should also have the right to rule it.
It is democracy which always wins in the end.
Let us create a better world with democracy.
Democracy has the power to solve many problems.
Democracy establishes equality in all possible ways.
Nations cannot prosper without democracy.
A happy and healthy nation is built on democracy.
Follow principles of democracy for a brighter future.
Democracy can change the whole world for the better.
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