होम / धर्म / Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram

Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram

PUBLISHED BY: Sunita • LAST UPDATED : October 8, 2021, 9:38 am IST

संबंधित खबरें

Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram

Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram

Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram : The fast of Karva Chauth is observed every year by Hindu women for the long life of their husbands. On these days, married women keep a waterless circle for the long life of their husbands. In today’s changing environment, Karva Chauth fast is being observed by men as well as women for their wives.

अगर आप करवा चौथ 2021 की शुभकामना भेजना चाहते हैं तो आप सही पोस्ट पर हैं। यहां आपको करवा चौथ से संबंधित तमाम जानकारियां मिलेंगी। करवा चौथ मैसेज, बधाई संदेश, ग्रीटिंग, मैसेज फोर फेसबुक, व्हट्सऐप, इंस्टाग्राम से संबंधित सभी मैसेज यहां उपलब्ध हैं।

Husband and wife may be far away, but nowadays they open the fast by seeing each other through online or video calling. Suhagins celebrate the special festival of Karva Chauth by sharing messages with each other. That’s why here we have brought for you a tremendous collection of Karva Chauth Quotes, Karva Chauth Shayari, Karva Chauth Wishes, Karva Chauth Status and Karva Chauth Messages, which you can share with others and wish everyone a Happy Karva Chauth.

First Karwa Chauth Caption (Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram)

Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram (Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram)

  • Fasting is just another way of showing how much you love your better half.
  • It is the day to dress up for your husband and pray for his long life. Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • Karwa Chauth celebrations are incomplete without a good gift from your husband.
  • May we are always blessed the way we are. Warm wishes on Karwa Chauth to you.
  • Wishing a very Happy Karwa Chauth to all the beautiful ladies who are fasting for their husband.
  • It is the love for your husband that empowers you with the strength to fast. Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • Karwa Chauth is the celebration of togetherness and companionship. Happy Karwa Chauth.

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Karwa Chauth Captions for FB (Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram)

  • May we all celebrate this day with our husbands. A very Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • Mehandi, chunri, bangles and dressing up make Karwa Chauth extra special.
  • 1. आपकी सूरत की चमक में सब सादा है,
    आसमां पे चांद पूरा आपके बिना आधा है।

    2. फिर करवाचौथ आया, खुशियां अपार लाया,
    आज सुहागिन ने चांद से थोड़ा सा रूप चुराया।

    3. करवाचौथ एक बहाना है, उसे याद दिलाना है
    रोज इंतजार करता कोई, यही उसे बताना है

    4. वो रोज दरवाजे पर, टकटकी लगाए रहती है,
    ये एक इंतजार है जिसमें आंखें बिछाए रहती है।

    5. करवाचौथ का व्रत पियाजी आपके लिए किया है,
    आपके ही प्रेम और सम्मान ने जीवन नया दिया है।

    6. आया मौसम प्यार का, जाने कब हो दीदार चांद का,
    ये दिन है ऐसा आया, फिर निखरा रूप मेरे यार का।

    7. वह सुबह से भूखी है, गला सूखा जाता है,
    उसे प्यार जताने का बस यही तरीका आता है।

    8. वैलेंटाइन ड़े, रोज डे ये समझ नहीं पाती हूं
    प्यार करती हूं बेइंतिहा करवाचौथ से बताती हूं

    9. प्रेम की प्रतिस्पर्धा अपने पूरे शबाब पर है,
    लगता है एक चांद दूसरे के इंतजार में है।

    10. भीगी हैं पलके याद में, आकाश भी सिमटा आप में,
    ओस गिरी ऐसे, चांद भी छलका हो तेरी ही याद में।

  • Let us make a promise to love each other more and more. Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • We all love our husbands and that’s why we all are celebrating Karwa Chauth.
  • Wishing all the ladies happy and healthy fasting. Wishing you all Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • May all couples be showered with love, happiness and understanding. Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • Warm wishes on Karwa Chauth to all the couples. May the love between you always grow stronger.

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Karwa Chauth Caption for Husband (Karwa Chauth Captions for Instagram)

  • I wish that the smile on your face never fades. I wish you Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • I pray for your good health and happiness. Wishing you Happy Karwa Chauth my love.
  • May you have a healthy, happy, successful and long life. Happy Karwa Chauth to you my love.
  • My life is incomplete without you because I need you every moment. Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • When you are there, this life seems so beautiful and perfect. Love you forever. Happy Karwa Chauth.
  • Fasting on Karwa Chauth is just my way of expressing that you are very important to me.
  • May the colours of our companionship and togetherness deepen every day. Happy Karwa Chauth.

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