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5 रानियां होने के बाद भी क्यों रावण सोता था हर रात अकेला? खुद हनुमान जी ने देखा था दशानन का ऐसा हाल!
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Raksha Bandhan 2022 Messages for Friends and Family: This year the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on Thursday 11 August 2022. Here are some Raksha Bandhan 2022 Wishes, Raksha Bandhan 2022 Images, Raksha Bandhan 2022 Quotes, Raksha Bandhan 2022 Messages. Which you can share with your brothers and sisters and spread the happiness of Raksha Bandhan festival.
Family is your lifeline…. It is your strength and also your weakness…. I find myself extremely lucky to have such a loving and caring family….. As we celebrate Raksha Bandhan, I wish my sweet family a wonderful festive time.
We are not brothers and sisters but that doesn’t mean that Rakhi is not meant for us to celebrate….You are a dear friend to me and I consider you as an integral part of my family….. On this special day, I wish you a very Happy Rakhi.
On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, I am sending my warm wishes to my loving family because you have always been there to keep me protected from the bad times and challenges and give me strength…. Happy Rakhi to you.
I am extremely thankful to God for gifting me such loving and caring people in my life…. You are not just family to me but you are my strength and motivation, inspiration and happiness…. Wishing you a very Happy Raksha Bandhan 2022.
On the auspicious occasion of Rakhi, I want to tell you that you are very special to me…. I may not express my love to you but I care for you as you mean the world to me…. Sending my best wishes to the most amazing family on Raksha Bandhan.
Though we are bonded by relationship but we connect because of our hearts…. Such is the beauty of friendship….. As we celebrate Raksha Bandhan, I send you my best wishes on this special occasion because you have always protected me from the bad like a true friend.
We must not limit the celebrations of Raksha Bandhan just to brothers and sisters but extend them to all the relationships which protect us and believe in us….. Though we are friends but we are bonded stronger than families and therefore, I wish you a very Happy Rakhi 2022.
When you have a super amazing family, you don’t need a reason to celebrate…. I wish that the auspicious occasion of Rakhi fill our lives with more and more beautiful moments of joy and happiness.. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my adorable family.
We are a family and a perfect one because we complement each other in every sense…. We balance one another with our strengths and weaknesses and make it a happy life together…. I love you all and wish you Happy Rakhi 2022.
I may not have a brother or a sister but I have a wonderful friend who is as special to me as my family…. I am sending my best wishes on Raksha Bandhan to you because you are my strength and you complement me the most….. Happy Rakhi to you.
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