संबंधित खबरें
धरती पर इस जगह से शुरू होगी प्रलय, धीरे-धीरे तबाह हो जाएगी दुनिया, एक नए बाबा ने की भयानक भविष्यवाणी
अघोरी के सामने जब बोल पड़ता हैं मुर्दा, कैसी होती है वो भयानक तंत्र सिद्धि जिसके आगे नहीं टिक…?
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भगवान शिव के सबसे बड़े भक्त फिर क्यों किया 21 बार धरती से क्षत्रियों को विहीन? क्या कहती है पौराणिक कथा
जो देख नहीं सकते…उन्हें दिख गया 2025 में इन 4 राशियों का गोल्डन टाइम, अब तो पलट कर रहेगा भाग्य!
Happy Onam 2022 WhatsApp Messages: Like Hinduism, the people of Kerala also celebrate their own new year, which is called Onam. It is also called Malayalam New Year. It is said that the Asura King Mahabali of Kerala comes to meet his subjects on the day of Onam and this festival is celebrated in his welcome.
Apart from this, the reason for celebrating this festival is the harvesting of crops. That’s why different types of dishes are prepared on this occasion. In such a situation, on the special occasions of Onam, you also wish your friends and relatives through messages.
May the beautiful colours and bright lights of Onam fill your life’s joys and happiness.
May you have fun-filled and cheerful celebrations on the auspicious occasion of Onam.
May you have abundance of joy and lots of success. Wishing you a prosperous and Happy Onam.
Wishing a very Happy Onam to you and your family. Wishing you good fortune and great success.
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