संबंधित खबरें
5 रानियां होने के बाद भी क्यों रावण सोता था हर रात अकेला? खुद हनुमान जी ने देखा था दशानन का ऐसा हाल!
धरती पर इस जगह से शुरू होगी प्रलय, धीरे-धीरे तबाह हो जाएगी दुनिया, एक नए बाबा ने की भयानक भविष्यवाणी
अघोरी के सामने जब बोल पड़ता हैं मुर्दा, कैसी होती है वो भयानक तंत्र सिद्धि जिसके आगे नहीं टिक…?
Ramayan में गुमनाम रहीं ये 3 बहनें…इतनी पावरफुल कि हैरान कर देंगे किस्से
भारत का वो इकलौता राजा जो करता था हर 5 साल में अपनी संपत्ति दान, ऐसा क्या था प्रयागराज के कुंभ में उसके लिए खास?
भगवान शिव के सबसे बड़े भक्त फिर क्यों किया 21 बार धरती से क्षत्रियों को विहीन? क्या कहती है पौराणिक कथा
Happy Teachers Day 2022 Messages for Kids: In honor of Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, every year on his birth anniversary on September 5th Teachers Day is celebrated. He was an Indian philosopher who also served as the first Vice President and the Second President of India. On the occasion of his becoming the President, his students wanted to honor him by celebrating his birthday as ‘Radhakrishnan Day,’ but he refused and instead asked to celebrate it as Teacher’s Day.
Dearest Teacher, you are the reason school was never boring for me, you are the reason I learned to learn….. Best wishes on Teacher’s Day to you.
Dear Sir/ Ma’am, I wish you a very Happy Teacher’s Day for you are the most amazing teacher who has always been so patient and kind to me.
I can never thank you enough for being such a wonderful mentor. I can never thank enough for giving me so much time and attention…. I wish you a very Happy Teacher’s Day.
The only person whom I want to thank for my success in my studies is you because without your support and without your guidance, I couldn’t have been able to manage such a score…. Happy Teachers Day 2022.
Sending happy teacher’s day wishes from the kid to the class teacher. It is with your valuable knowledge that I have earned all the success and I thank you for that.
Dear teacher, this teacher’s day wish is from the kid living across the neighbourhood. I would like to thank you for the tuition knowledge you impart to me to help me succeed.
There is just one and only one teacher whom I look up to and that is you. You are my inspiration and my guide whenever I have felt lost…. Sending warm wishes on Teacher’s Day.
I wish you a very Happy Teacher’s Day for you are the best teachers in the world…. I wish you happiness and health, harmony and peace. Thank you for all the love and teachings.
Teacher, this is a beautiful happy teacher’s day wish especially from the kid next door. I am thankful that you have given me knowledge and your educational skills are good.
Wishing the dear teacher a happy teacher’s day from the smallest kid in class. You are an amazing teacher and I love you for making me the captain of the class last week.
I, the eldest kid in class, wished my teacher a happy teacher’s day with much love. Your style of teaching is fabulous and helps me to understand all the subjects very beautifully.
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