होम / धर्म / 100+ World Kidney Day Message, Quotes, Kidney Slogans 2022

100+ World Kidney Day Message, Quotes, Kidney Slogans 2022

PUBLISHED BY: Sunita • LAST UPDATED : February 26, 2022, 4:31 pm IST

संबंधित खबरें

100+ World Kidney Day Message, Quotes, Kidney Slogans 2022

World Kidney Day 2022 Message

World Kidney Day 2022 Message: Here you will read quotes, Message and wishes in Hindi and English for World Kidney Day 2022. This is observed to raise awareness of the increasing burden of kidney diseases and proper preventive measures.

World Kidney Day 2022 Message

World Kidney Day 2022 Messages

  • We may not realize how important they are to our bodies until they start misbehaving. Warm wishes on World Kidney Day.
  • Drink more water and control your sugar levels in order to keep your kidneys always in good condition. A very Happy World Kidney Day.
  • Don’t forget that as you age, your kidneys also age and they demand more attention and care. Happy World Kidney Day.
  • On the occasion of World Kidney Day, let us promise ourselves that we will be more careful and concerned about our kidneys as they are very important.

World Kidney Day 2022 Wishes

World Kidney Day 2022

  • Healthy kidneys are what every body needs in order to live a healthy and smooth life. Warm wishes on the occasion of World Kidney Day to everyone.
  • On the occasion of World Kidney Day, let us make everyone aware of the importance of kidneys in our lives to add more significance to this day.
  • Wishing a very Happy World Kidney Day to everyone. We must take good care of our kidneys in order to make sure that we do not repent later.
  • Kidneys are one of the most important organs of our bodies and they need to be attended to regularly. Happy World Kidney Day to everyone.

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World Kidney Day 2022 Quotes

World Kidney Day 2022

  • If you are neglecting the health of your kidney then you will have to pay for it later. Wishing you a very Happy World Kidney Day.
  • Never let your illness define you but always have your strengths and success stories define you. Work on your kidneys to work on your health.
  • Healthy kidneys make a body healthy as they are a signal that everything is good inside your body. Happy World Kidney Day 2022.

World Kidney Day 2022 Quotes and Sayings

  • Kidneys are one of the most precious organs we have and we must not take their wellness lightly. Warm wishes on World Kidney Day to everyone.
  • Taking the health of your kidneys lightly can get your health in serious trouble. Warm wishes on the occasion of World Kidney Day to you my dear.
  • Wishing a very Happy World Kidney Day. Staying aware of kidney health can help us keep the kidney diseases at bay.
  • On the occasion of World Kidney Day, we must wake up and start taking care of our kidneys to stay healthy and happy.

World kidney Day Poster Messages

World Kidney Day 2022

  • World Kidney Day is a reminder for all of us that we must take the hints our kidneys are giving us to work on their wellbeing.
  • Get rid of all the toxins in your system. Keep your kidneys in good shape and you will have nothing to worry about. Happy World Kidney Day.
  • Let us abstain from everything that hampers the wellbeing of our kidneys to help them stay healthy. Happy World Kidney Day.
  • You have no reason to take the health of your kidney lightly. Care for them if you care for your health. Wishing you a very Happy World Kidney Day.

    Funny Kidney Stone Jokes

  • I am not so stone hearted that I will ever have a kidney stone but I don’t mind having a liquid diet as a precautionary measure.
  • The occasion of World Kidney Day reminds me that I have to have lots of beer in order to make sure that I never have any kidney stones to bother my kidneys.
  • You don’t really have to worry about kidney stones if you have got lots of beer in your fridge because that is the good way to cure it.
  • I wish I had a kidney stone so that my doctor could prescribe me to have beer every day in order to flush that thing out.

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World Kidney Day 2022 Slogans

  • Work for healthy kidneys.
  • Kidneys need our care.
  • Do not neglect your kidneys.
  • Choose healthier foods for happy kidneys.
  • Be responsible towards your kidneys.
  • Eat healthy to keep your kidneys healthy.
  • Healthy kidneys are a must for a healthy body.
  • Kidneys are of great importance to our system.
  • Kidneys are very important for the human body.

World Kidney Day Quotes Slogan in Hindi

नियमित व्यायाम और शारीरिक गतिविधियों की
वजह से मधुमेह और रक्तचाप नियंत्रित रहता है.
इससे किडनी स्वस्थ्य और मजबूत होता है.
विश्व किडनी दिवस – 11 मार्च

जिसकी उम्र 40 वर्ष से ऊपर है उसे अपने
आहार में चीनी, नमक, वसा और मांस का सेवन
कम करना चाहिए ताकि गुर्दें की स्वास्थ्य में
वृद्धि हो.
World Kidney Day 2022

धुम्रपान या तंबाकू का सेवन स्वास्थ्य
के लिए हानिकारक होता है.
इसके साथ-साथ आपके गुर्दें को
भी बीमार कर सकता है।
विश्व गुर्दा दिवस – 11 मार्च, 2022

World Kidney Day Slogan in Hindi

वर्ल्ड किडनी डे स्लोगन इन हिंदी

विश्व किडनी दिवस पर नारे

दिन और रात खूब पानी पीयें,
स्वस्थ्य किडनी के साथ जीवन जीयें।
World Kidney Day – 11 March 2022

जन-जन की जागरूकता बढ़ाये,
स्वस्थ्य किडनी खुशियाँ लाये।
विश्व किडनी दिवस 2022

किडनी की देखभाल करें,
यह पूरे शरीर की देखभाल करता है.

खुद की किडनी से है प्यार
तो घर का ही ले आहार।
विश्व गुर्दा दिवस 2022

खाने-पीने में ऐसी चीजों का सेवन ना करें
जिससे आपकी किडनी हो जाएँ फेल,
शरीर में कमजोरी और परेशानी बढे
और समझ ना आये जिंदगी का खेल.
World Kidney Day 2022

हम जियेंगे या मरेंगे ये सनम तेरे लिए,
दिल दिया है किडनी भी देंगे ऐ सनम तेरे लिए.
World Kidney Day – 11 March

World Kidney Day Status in Hindi

किडनी शरीर का महत्वपूर्ण कार्य करता है,
इसके स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूकता जरूरी है.
World Kidney Day 2022

दर्द की दवाएँ किडनी को हानि पहुंचाती है,
इसलिए डॉक्टर की सलाह से ही दवाएँ लें.

अगर आपको को खुद से प्रेम है तो
40 वर्ष के बाद किडनी की नियमित जाँच जरूर करवायें।
विश्व किडनी दिवस

World Kidney Day Funny Status

कभी रखे थे जो उसकी याद में दिल पे पत्थर,
वब वे किडनी में सरक के पथरी बन गए है…!
World Kidney Day 2022

दिल चुराने का क्या फायदा बंधु,
आई-फोन तो किडनी से ही आना है.

यार तू चाहे तो दिल किसी को भी दे दे,
मगर किडनी मुझे ही देना iPhone लेना है.
World Kidney Day 2022

World Kidney Day Wishes Message

We May Not Realize How Important They Are To Our Bodies Until They Start Misbehaving. Warm Wishes On World Kidney Day.

Be Responsible Towards Your Kidneys.

Kidneys Are Of Great Importance To Our System.

Drink More Water And Control Your Sugar Levels In Order To Keep Your Kidneys Always In Good Condition. A Very Happy World Kidney Day.

World Kidney Day Lines

Don’t Forget That As You Age, Your Kidneys Also Age And They Demand More Attention And Care. Happy World Kidney Day.

Maintain A Healthy Weight And Avoid Salts To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy. Wish You A Very Happy And Healthy World Kidney Day.

On The Occasion Of World Kidney Day, Let Us Make Everyone Aware Of The Importance Of Kidneys In Our Lives To Add More Significance To This Day

Keep Your Kidneys Safe And Regulate Your Protein Intake On This Day. Wish You A Very Happy And Healthy World Kidney Day.

World Kidney Day Motivational Quotes

Wishing A Very Happy World Kidney Day To Everyone. We Must Take Good Care Of Our Kidneys In Order To Make Sure That We Do Not Repent Later.

Healthy Kidneys Are A Must For A Healthy Body.

Make A Habit Of Drinking More Water And Less Aerated Drinks To Prevent Your Kidneys From Spoiling. Stay Healthy And Be Safe On This World Kidney Day.

Be A Warrior, Fight For Your Health Every Day And Avoid Laziness. Stay Healthy And Be Safe On This World Kidney Day.

World Kidney Day Inspiring Lines

On The Occasion Of World Kidney Day, Let Us Promise Ourselves That We Will Be More Careful And Concerned About Our Kidneys As They Are Very Important.

Kidneys Need Our Care.

We Must All Remember That Kidneys Age, Just Like Us. So, Take Care Of Them. Spread Love And Care On This World Kidney Day.

Help Others Who Are In Need. Donate A Kidney And Give Someone A Happy And Healthy Life. Wish You A Very Happy And Healthy World Kidney Day.

World Kidney Day Inspirational Status

Kidneys Are Of The Most Important Organs Of Our Bodies And They Need To Be Attended Regularly. Happy World Kidney Day To Everyone.

Kidneys Are Very Important For A Human Body.

Healthy Kidneys Are What Every Body Needs In Order To Live A Healthy And Smooth Life. Warm Wishes On The Occasion Of World Kidney Day To Everyone.

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